Aden |
2 |
Afghanistan |
8 |
Algeria |
16 |
Armenian Scouts |
12 |
Australia |
8 |
Austria |
306 |
Barbados |
1 |
Belgium |
479 |
Bermuda |
2 |
Bochuanaland |
7 |
Bolibia |
37 |
British Guiana |
16 |
Brazil |
8 |
Brunei |
10 |
Burundi |
12 |
Canada |
432 |
Cayman Islands |
2 |
Central African Republic |
1 |
Ceylon |
16 |
China (Formosa) |
13 |
Congo (Leopoldville) |
10 |
Costa Rica |
1 |
Cyprus |
200 |
Dahomey |
3 |
Denmark |
591 |
El Salvador |
1 |
Faroe Islands |
36 |
Finland |
208 |
France |
1202 |
Germany (W.) |
845 |
Ghana |
1 |
Gilbert & Ellice Islands |
1 |
Greece |
1000 |
Guatemala |
1 |
Haiti |
3 |
Hong Kong |
8 |
Iceland |
28 |
India |
1 |
Iran |
67 |
Iraq |
16 |
Ireland |
60 |
Israel |
82 |
Italy |
430 |
Ivory Coast |
7 |
Jamaica |
27 |
Japan |
130 |
Jordan |
40 |
Kenya |
1 |
Kuwait |
36 |
Laos |
3 |
Lebanon |
95 |
Libya |
11 |
Liechtenstein |
10 |
Luxembourg |
170 |
Malagasy Republic |
18 |
Malaya |
7 |
Malta |
8 |
Mexico |
8 |
Monaco |
16 |
Netherlands |
549 |
New Zealand |
33 |
Nigeria |
55 |
Norway |
145 |
Pakistan |
47 |
Peru |
5 |
Philippines * |
3 |
Portugal |
27 |
Rhodesia N. |
17 |
Rhodesia S. |
31 |
Saudi Arabi |
42 |
Senegal |
10 |
Singapore |
8 |
South Africa |
76 |
Spain |
15 |
St. Vincent Island |
1 |
Sudan |
10 |
Surinam |
1 |
Sweden |
424 |
Switzerland |
480 |
Syria |
111 |
Thailand |
8 |
Trinidad & Tobago |
3 |
Tunisia |
10 |
Turkey |
34 |
United Arabic Republic |
69 |
United Kingdom |
1500 |
United States of America |
650 |
Venezuela |
7 |
Vietnam |
1 |
Zanzibar |
1 |
Campers Total |
11.093 |
Staff |
2.618 |
Grand Total |
13.711 |
* Tragedy struck cruelly the Philippine
delegation: A plane crash took the lives of the 21 Boy Scouts and their 3 Leaders of the Phillipine delegation,
just outside Bombay. The magnificent Scouting spirit in the Philippines was displayed by the way in which a
token delegation of three Scouts was recruited, and arrived at the Jamboree -by air- only a few
days after the opening. |