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History of Scouting in Greece

Golden Jubilee Emblem


Baron Pierre de Coubertin, his heart at the hands of Boy Scouts

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The material we're presenting is taken from the commemorative edition of SEP titled "Aien Aristeuein" that was published in 1960 on the occasion of the completion of 50 years of Hellenic Scouts (Golden Jubilee of Greek Scouts 1910-1960). We express our deepest thanks to Mr. Nikos Xaralambopoulos, Deputy Leader of the Aegean Isles District, for providing us this precious book. These nine pages under the general title "History of Scouting in Greece" are dedicated to him.


The commemorative Golden Jubille stamps

Golden Jubille stamps 1

Golden Jubille stamps 2

Golden Jubille stamps 3

Saint George the Patron Saint of Scouts